5 easy social media hacks for your small business

5 easy social media hacks for your small business image

Social media is an invaluable tool for any small business. It’s a great way to not only connect directly with your customers but educate them on what you and your business are about and hopefully create some great sales. So, here are 5 easy social media hacks that you can start using today!

1. Stay active

There's nothing worse than trying to find a business on social media and seeing that the last time they posted was the 2014 ice bucket challenge. You need to have a regular social media presence. This not only makes you look active and open but also lets your customers know that you're doing everything you can to connect directly with them. You want to be posting at least 3 times a week. If you're not a fan of constantly being on social media, sign up to a scheduling programme such as Hootsuite. Sit down once a week, schedule all your social media posts and let Hootsuite take care of the rest. A huge time saver and it means you stay socially active even if you're nowhere near a phone, tablet or pc.

2. Start conversations with your customers

The average person spends almost 2 hours a day on social media (Shocking I know!), but for small businesses, this is a massive opportunity. You're in the pocket of your target market. Start conversations with your customers. Ask their opinions on favourite products you stock or what you should stock. Create polls on Facebook and Instagram to find out what they like and don't like. Answer questions in your comment sections. Find the solution for them, and you'll create a loyal customer in no time.

3. Utilise Instagram stories

Instagram stories allow you to reach an audience who may not even follow you on Instagram. It's a great way to showcase the day to day life of your business. This can be a strange concept if you've been in business for over 20 years and using social media doesn't come naturally to you, but if you are lucky enough to be still trading it means you have a wealth of knowledge. You're an expert, and your gift should be shared with the world. Prospective customers want to see how good you are at what you offer. We're social animals and we like to put a name to a face. Allow your audience to get a sense of what you're about and who you are, not only as a business owner but as a person too. People relate to people. And when they feel like they know the person behind the business, they're more likely to click that buy button.

4. Vary your content

It can be easy to get into the routine of posting the same stuff week in week out, but this can easily desensitise your audience, making it easier for them to scroll straight past your posts. Shake things up with a mixture of 'things happening in the office' or brand new deliveries, before and after shots (if you're a hairdresser, MUA, furniture restorer, car wrap specialist....) Educate your audience on your business and give them a reason to choose you.

5. Find your tribe

It's a common mistake to think that you can set up a business and people will automatically find you but it's just not the case. You've got to go out (physically or digitally) and find your tribe. Find the people who are talking about your products or service. Search relevant hashtags on Instagram, check out the product category in the twitter search bar, explore Facebook marketplace with keywords from your business. People are always turning to the internet to solve their problems; you've just got to make sure that you're there, replying directly to them with a great solution.

So, start today. Make your life easier with these simple social media hacks and get ready to let people know why they should pick you.

About the author

Helen Jackson Author
Written by Helen Jackson | December 04, 2023

Money Writer

Helen has over nine years of experience in content writing and writes financial content for us here at Capalona.

Updated: December 04, 2023
Published: November 20, 2018

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